Thursday, July 1, 2010

Order of the Zombie Culture Warrior

- an occasional award for political and social commentary by embittered media-pundits of either Left- or Right-wing persuasion who have started seeing the world through the lens of grotesque caricature.

Our inaugural Order of the Zombie Culture Warrior goes to . . . the UK Daily Mail's Melanie Phillips for the last magnificent bile-spurting par of the following piece about Barack Obama and his. . . gushing geyser of anti-Western animus; and to The Australian Spectator for reproducing the work of this crazy person on its website, along with other huge indecorous geysers of tendentious drivel. Melanie is an example to everyone in need of opinions strong enough to make readers' toenails curl and their hair come out in clumps. Andrew and Janet and David M and Catherine D, the bar has been set!

". . . But we are allies of the U.S., not its doormat on which the President wipes his shoes. Even special relationships can sour. If one partner starts attacking the other, it isn’t possible to carry on as before. And the fact is that Obama, who appears to labour under a resentment of Britain over its behaviour in his father’s homeland, Kenya, seems to have a personal problem with Britain.

Ominously, one of his first acts after taking office was to return to the British a bust of Sir Winston Churchill which had been given to President George W. Bush as a gift. More worryingly, the U.S. has taken Argentina’s side over the Falklands in requiring London and Buenos Aires to negotiate, which is at odds with the British Government’s policy and the wishes of the Falkland islanders themselves. Indeed, there is an argument for saying — astounding as it may seem — that Obama is not on America’s side either, given the way in which he has been upsetting America’s friends around the world while sucking up to its enemies. The ’special relationship’ is important to Britain because America has been its great ally in the defence of freedom and western values. But the U.S. is being led by someone who does not reflect America’s traditional values or interests. The irony here is as intense as the danger. When George W. Bush was President, it was the Brits who wanted out of the special relationship as a result of an ugly anti-Americanism based on the belief that America was the fount of world oppression. That’s why Nick Clegg has spoken out against Obama over BP — because the left-wing Lib Dems have always been keen to end the ’special relationship’ with ‘ imperialist’ America. What they failed to realise was that Obama was not just anti-Bush but anti-capitalism and anti-West. And so his knee-jerk hostility towards ‘colonialist’ Britain or ‘multinational’ BP, while taking the side of dictators and tyrants in the Third World, is deeply damaging to this country, as indeed it is to his own.

Cameron’s attempt to pour oil onto BP’s troubled waters is, therefore, wildly inappropriate — and not just as a tasteless metaphor. It is the gushing geyser of Obama’s anti-British and anti-western animus which now so urgently needs to be capped, in order to protect the shores of liberty itself."

More Melanie

Israel is being hanged on a public gallows erected on the grounds of the United Nations with yards of rope gleefully supplied by the Muslim world. . . This is not a peace process, and it has never been one. It is a public lynching. It is the lynching of a country whose only real crime is that its existence offends the religious fanaticism and prejudices of a billion Muslims, who control much of the world’s oil, and whose followers are willing to riot and kill in the streets of nearly every major city in the world at the slightest offense.

The lynching began as a trial where the murderer wore a fine suit and his victim sat in an orange jumpsuit in the dock. Every day during the trial, the murderer would be allowed to leave the courtroom to kill again. And every afternoon he would return to the courtroom with bloody hands that the judge and jurors would pretend not to see. And if the victim dared to call attention to those bloody hands, he would be silenced and told that those murders too were his fault. Hadn’t he after all provoked the murderer into committing them?

Now the trial is coming to a close. The farce that the proceedings ever had anything to do with peace is unraveling. And we can thank Hamas and Obama for that. The endgame is all too clear. . .

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