Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gilles Bouche: Copenhagen - What Could Have Been

The following text is a translated and slightly adapted version of the second part of a two-part piece which I wrote while the Copenhagen climate change conference was taking place and which was published on the website of Forum magazine – the magazine which, very roughly and mutatis mutandis, comes closest to being Luxembourg's  Monthly. It was born of a feeling of frustration with much of the media coverage of the conference – including the coverage by said magazine. What frustrated me was what seemed to me an absence of analysis, a failure to understand or even make an effort to understand the science and politics of climate change, a fortiori a failure to help or even make an effort to help the reader to such an understanding, hence a failure to fulfil what seemed to me one of the main functions of journalism taking climate change as its topic – the function of continuously working at closing the gap between scientists and nonscientists, politicians and nonpoliticians, experts and non-experts. What frustrated me was what seemed to me a failure of journalists to do their job as mature and rational people should want to do their job and to treat their readers as mature and rational people should want to be treated.

Journalists indeed tried to close a gap, but not the one between experts and nonexperts. They tried to close the gap between nonexperts present and nonexperts absent. Instead of informing, they entertained. They tried to capture the atmosphere of the conference, they tried to give us a sense of what it was like to be there, of what it would have been like to be there, of what we were missing out on by not being there. The conference as experience, the conference as spectacle. Instead of cutting through the confusion, journalists were happy to express their inability to do so as the truth about the conference, as what was to be experienced at the conference.

A telling anecdote: Well toward the end of the conference, a journalist blogging for New Matilda, one of the better magazines, found the time to ask a scientist what he was thinking about the 1.5 degree C guardrail, the target advocated by many developing countries. The scientist bluntly said that meeting this target was virtually impossible. The current atmospheric composition, without any further increase in atmospheric CO2, is already bound to lead to a global temperature increase of 1.3 degree C. This answer clearly left the journalist flabbergasted, which he would not have been, had he cared to have a glance at the literature.

The question which I tried to answer tentatively in the article was: How can one assess whether an agreement reached in Copenhagen is a good agreement? What criteria should an agreement meet? I considered two criteria: what I called “adequacy” and “fairness”. Talking about adequacy is fairly straightforward. One mainly has to listen to what scientists have to say. The science constrains the choice of an adequate target (such as the 2 degree C and the 1.5 degree C guardrails) and determines the choice of the means (in form of a CO2 emissions budget and CO2 emissions reductions) necessary to meet the target. Talking about fairness is more difficult, for obvious reasons. It presupposes a some conception of ethics, and ethics is a mess.

In the article, I mostly confined myself to relating the position of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), which advises the German government, as laid out in its excellent special report Solving the Climate Dilemma: The Budget Approach. The WBGU recommends a principle-based attitude to fairness and identifies three main principles: the principle of equity, the principle of financial capacity, and the principle of mitigation capacity. The basic idea behind a principle-based approach to the distribution of emissions rights is of course that emissions rights should be distributed according to certain principles, but also that divergences from the distribution thus obtained are admissible, but should be justified, notably by invoking further principles. The advantage of a principle-based approach is hence that one starts with simplicity and introduces complexity step by step. Though of course, I do not think that the same issues cannot be approached from many different angles.

Finally, I refer to, resp. recommend, the following literature:
McKinsey & Company, An Australian Cost Curve for Greenhouse Gas Reduction (February 2008).
WBGU, Solving the Climate Dilemma: The Budget Approach (July 2009).
WBGU, The Minimal Compromise in Copenhagen: A Target – But Still No Plan of Action, (20 December 2009).


What are the hallmarks of a good agreement? (Trans. CS)

In part 1 of this post I suggested that an agreement in Copenhagen can be assessed on at least three general criteria: according to appropriateness, fairness and effectivenss. Whether an agreement is appropriate depends firstly on whether the chosen target and secondly on whether the chosen means are appropriate.


There is an important asymmetry between overall targets and the means of achieving them. The choice of target is constrained by scientific facts, though it is not completely determined by them. It is and remains a political decision, reflecting a value-judgment (which doesn’t mean that we can’t rationally or critically discuss said value-judgment). Scientists only make pronouncements about the conditions for reaching a given target and what the consequences of the target are, i.e. what leads to the target being reached and where the target itself leads in its turn. The choice of target itself is the business of political decision-makers.

Two targets have been going the round in Copenhagen, both expressed in terms of an upper limit on global temperature increase relative to preindustrial times. The EU and the G8 among others are advocating the adoption of a 2 degree C guardrail, originally recommended by the WBGU (German Advisory Council on Climate Change) in 1995. The Alliance of Small Island States, whose very existence is threatened even in the unfortunately optimistic scenario of a 2 degree C temperature increase, insist on the adoption of a more stringent upper limit of 1.5 degree C. They enjoy the support of many developing countries and indigenous peoples.

Either target will be difficult to meet. To this day, global temperature has already increased by 0.8 degree C relative to preindustrial times. The current atmospheric composition is set to lead to a global temperature increase of 1.3 degree C over the next decades - an increase of 2.4 degree C if the cooling effect of short-lived polluting particles - the so-called global dimming - is discounted.

While science constrains, but does not determine the choice of target, the choice of means (at a general level which doesn’t exclude differing transpositions to less general levels) is completely determined by science relative to a politically determined target. Hence scientists at the WBGU tell us that, IF we are to have a 67% chance of remaining within the 2 degree temperature barrier, we will have to remain within a global CO2 budget of 750Gt for the period 2010 – 2050, with very low emissions or even negative emissions after 2050. In 2050 annual global per capita emissions should average 1t. If you commit yourself to the target but not the means, you either hold a different scientific view (which of course has to be scientifically based if it’s to be genuinely scientific), or you’re being straightforwardly irrational.

In all probability no global CO2 budget will be settled on at Copenhagen. Instead, reference will likely be made to the recommendations of the fourth IPCC report and commitments to national reduction targets. So to assess whether an agreement is appropriate given the picture provided by the WBGU you have to do a few calculations and derive a commitment to a global budget from commitments to national reduction targets. However, deriving a commitment to an exact global budget is impossible because of the way national reduction targets are currently formulated.

National Reduction Targets

At least three kinds of target are in current use: Annex I countries such as the US and the EU (the latter of course acting as a unified bloc) formulate reduction targets in the form of percentage reductions of annual emissions volumes over specified time-periods, in the case of the EU over the periods 1990 – 2020 and 1990 – 2050. Most non-Annex I countries with reduction targets on the table formulate these in the form of percentage reductions of annual emissions volumes relative to a Business As Usual projection within a specified timeframe. Many non-Annex I countries, e.g. China and India, formulate reduction targets in the form of percentage reductions in the CO2 intensity of national economic production, i.e. reductions of emissions volumes divided by GDP, again within a specified timeframe.

The way Annex I countries formulate their reduction targets already makes deriving a precise global CO2 budget impossible. To do so you would need a precise emissions trajectory. Stipulating a lowering of emissions by 30% by 2020 relative to 1990 restricts but doesn’t determine the emissions trajectory within the relevant timeframe. It would be theoretically possible to meet the target by doing nothing until 2019 and then suddenly lowering emissions by 30% in the final year. This would result in an emissions trajectory corresponding over the entire timeframe to emissions volumes far higher than for a scenario involving continuous reductions. In general it’s the case that the earlier reductions are undertaken, the lower the volume of emissions.

Clearly other additional factors make deriving an exact CO2 budget impossible, e.g. the fact that many non-Annex I countries don’t have to put any emissions targets on the table at all - understandably so, in the context of the Kyoto Agreement.


Comparisons between the reduction targets of different Annex I countries – which is to say comparisons between reduction targets formulated on the same model – are already quite complicated. Assume we want to compare the targets of the US and the EU. The EU has put a 20 – 30% emissions reduction on the table for the period 1990 – 2020. The US has put a 17% emissions reduction on the table for the period 2005 – 2020. To compare the two targets, the thing to do is to calculate them relative to the same timeframe. Which timeframe do we choose though? If we take 1990 – 2020, we get a reduction target for the US of – 3%. If we take 2005 – 2020, we get a reduction target for the EU of 13 – 24%. This means: if we take 1990 as a base-year, the American target looks very modest indeed, something that the European media gladly points to time and again, as if the American preference for a different base-year involved the USA in a simple sleight-of-hand. They nearly had us fooled! If you take 2005 as a base-year, then the future efforts the US and the EU have indicated they are ready to impose on themselves seem to be roughly in the same ballpark. This still doesn’t mean that the burden of effort is fairly distributed. Shouldn’t the EU be rewarded for past efforts?

It gets even more complicated though. Reduction targets thus specified only relate to national emissions totals, not national per capita emissions. If, on the other hand, you look at per capita emissions over the period 1990 – 2020, then it turns out that the EU is putting forward a reduction of 24 – 33%, the US a reduction of 29%. The two targets are in the same ballpark. If you take per capita emissions over the period 2005 – 2020, then the EU reduction target of 14 – 25% contrasts with a far more ambitious American target of 27%. The game has changed. And the reason for that is clear: population is rising in the US (as it is in Canada and Australia) and is stagnating in the EU.

This, however, doesn’t mean that the US is in better stead ethically or environmentally than the EU. (At most, it means that the EU could take on a little more, maybe also that the Europeans need to get down off their high horse.) What’s important of course is not just percentage reductions of per capita emissions, but above all absolute per capita emissions; on that front the American numbers (20 tonnes per capita per annum) are well above European numbers (9 tonnes p.c p.a). The EU is again in a bit better stead.

The calculations get more complicated again when financial capacity and mitigation capacity are brought into the equation. Per capita GDP in the US is about twice as high as in the EU (since the latter’s eastward expansion) – which might lead you to think the US was capable of achieving greater reductions. (Mind you, you’d have to take into account other economic factors as well such as national indebtedness.) On the other hand, it could be claimed for example that the US (along with Canada and Australia) have fewer opportunities for mitigation in the transport sector because of longer-distance transport needs. See how complex the issue gets.

As a provisional conclusion we can state that the unsystematic way national emissions reduction targets are formulated makes evaluating an agreement according to the criteria of appropriateness and above all fairness a difficult business. Couldn’t we do all this better? Couldn’t we use a very simple algorithm to derive national reduction targets (in the form of national CO2 budgets) from the global budget? This is precisely what the WBGU suggests in a special report. However, before we turn to the details of the proposal, we need to turn quickly to another question.

Ethics and Cynicism

There is an important asymmetry between the criteria of appropriateness and fairness. It is clear that the criterion of appropriateness will play an effective role in the negotiations in Copenhagen. Many nations might have different views about which goal is appropriate, above all whether 1.5 degrees C or 2 degrees C is an appropriate upper limit. No one though disputes that an agreement needs to be appropriate. Otherwise we plainly wouldn’t need an agreement.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Poetry Translations 1: Heine

On Teleology

God gave us legs and gave us two
So we’d be good at shooting through
Picture what would be our lot
- our personhood fixed to one spot
To be a station-ary chump
All we’d need would be a stump.

God gave us a pair of eyes
To see the world both clear and wise
To take on faith all that we read
A single eye’d be all we’d need
God gave us eyes that numbered two
So we’d be happy checking out
All He created round about
To suit the human point of view.
When checking out life on the street
The wise man with both eyes discerns
The chances uncouth folk we meet
Will tread upon our aching corns
Which have caused us painful passion
Since pointy shoes have been in fashion.

God gave us a pair of hands
To do double good throughout all lands
Not so we’d be doubly grasping
Precious metal ‘ever heaping
Into chests and cupboards too
As certain folk are wont to do
(We could give their names as well
Yet that’s what we dare not tell
Yes, we’d gladly see them hung
Yet it’s from them art’s funding’s wrung,
From these great men, the philanthropes,
The source of our financial hopes.
A German oak’s no tree from which
To fashion gallows for the rich.)

God thought with one nose we’d be right
Because with two we’d have to fight
To get a wine glass near mouth or head
We’d have to snort our wine instead.

God made one mouth the routine
Because two mouths would be unclean
With one mouth the son of earth
Still babbles ceaselessly from birth
With double mouth and double craw
He’d eat and lie a whole lot more
Now when he’s munching on a pastie
He stays beneficially mute
With two mouths things would get nasty
He’d munch while uttering lies to boot.

With two ears we are endowed
By the Lord who thus avowed
His great belief in symmetry
Nor are ours as large as He
Gave our good grey plodding friends
The donkeys with their wide rear ends.
He gave us both ears ‘cause He knew
That Mozart, Gluck and Haydn too
In stereo sound right and true.

If nothing topped the maudlin tone
That sounds from the haemorrhoidal zone
Of the ass-like Meyerbeer
All we’d need would be one ear!

Having wound up thus my speech
To my refined Teutonic blonde
She gave a sigh and did respond
Really, Heinrich, how you squelch
Meaning from th’ Creator’s deeds
As if a lumpen loaf of bread
Could guess thoughts in a baker’s head.
And yet man asks forever why
When he sees things gone awry.
My friend, I heard you state your thesis,
Your admirable exegesis
Of how the Lord with good intent
We human beings from heaven sent
Two ears, two legs, two eyes to roll
While giving us not more than a sole
Exemplar of mouth and nose
But tell me - how could He propose
- Lord God, Creator of All Nature -
To give His favourite two-legged creature
That single scabrous dangling prop
With which a male can never stop
Trying to pass on wretched genes
Or – relieving himself by similar means.
My friend, why not here duplicate
Where duplication’s what we need
To cover functions which indeed
Are most vital for the state
As for folk of every sort -
For all society, in short.
These two functions do contrast
In a way that’s unsurpassed,
Condemnable and largely base -
They frankly shame the human race.
Think of a girl of lively feeling,
Dead for shame and mentally reeling,
When she finds her male ideal
Equipped with something so surreal,
When he who’s set her heart aflutter
Turns out to worship in the gutter.
Psyche shudders when Amor,
The little angel, shy of light,
The morning after in the raw
Turns all her girlish dreams - to shite.

My graceful Hun had said her last
But I said, sweetheart, not so fast,
You of feminine persuasion
Haven’t any thought to spare
For one whole side of the equation
God solved with economic flair:
- how the gadgetry he made
Could serve needs grand and quite clichéd,
- how mothers’ cares and profane lusts
Could both be served by well-formed busts. . .
Simplicity’s itself refined
When every part is well combined,
When what we use when on the can
Assists with the ascent of man,
When on the self-same bagpipes play
The self-same yokels, glum and gay,
When paws and claws both fine and brute
Can strum upon the self-same lute,
When through the self-same vapours, rivets
Each man sings and yawns and pivots:
When one bus does just as well
To transport both of us to Hell.


Zur Teleologie

Beine hat uns zwei gegeben
Gott der Herr, um fortzustreben,
Wollte nicht, dass an der Scholle
Unsre Menschheit kleben solle.
Um ein Stillstandsknecht zu sein
Gnuegte uns ein einzges Bein.