Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More Fun: Old Fun: Other People's Fun - With Photoshop

2010 - The Year That Isn't . . . [Click to enlarge]

Meanwhile, back in 2007 . . .

Getting truculent Labor Premiers to sign off on commonwealth-brokered deals was one of the many challenges that presented themselves to the Honourable Member for Bennelong. . .

A skinny barely human-looking girl whose pants were falling down in public took a turn along Hollywood Boulevard with a pirate named Benji she had just married. . . 

Telemovies took a turn for the even worser. . .

John So had an embarrassing encounter with some members of the Tibetan Buddhist fraternity visiting Melbourne. . .

While humorous beings all over the internet easily outdid The Great Stage, producing photo-montages and rectilinear speech bubbles that cast shadows. . .

1 comment:

  1. These remind me of - and are funny like - Comics in Spectator magazine by the guy who signs himself as CASTRO.
