Friday, October 9, 2009

The art of having something to say: Part 3

Proverbi Napoletani
Working on another thumping climate change piece this week, so instead of a huge wall of interpretation, here are some more short sayings, this time from magnificent sordid Naples, city of mother-love, false priests and sympathetic animals. CS

Ammore sincero dura na vita e renne allere.
Love that is sincere lasts a lifetime and fills the lover with high spirits.

Chi tene mamma, non chiange.
If you have a mother, you have no need to cry.

‘E figlie so’ piezze e’ core.
Sons are like pieces of the heart.

‘O figlio muto ‘a mamma ‘o ‘ntenne.
A son who holds his tongue is understood by his mother.

P’ ‘a sora zita ‘o frato è nu miezu marito.
To a sexy sister a brother is already half a husband.

Quann’ ‘e figlie fottono ‘e pate so’ futtute.
Once the children are f*cking, the parents are f*cked.

‘O parlà chiaro è fatto pe l’amice.
Clear speech was made for friends.

Si nun vuo’ perdere l’amico, nun ‘o mettere â prova.
If you don’t want to lose a friend, don’t put him to the test.

È viecchio sulo chi more.
Don’t say you’re old till you’re dead.

‘O viecchio ha da murì, ‘o giovane pô murì.
An old man must die, a young man can die.

‘A monaca d’ ‘e Camaldole muscio nun ‘o vuleva, ma tuosto dice che la faceva male.
The Camaldolean nun said she didn’t like it floppy, but when it was hard it hurt.

Cazzo ‘ntustato, sempe rispettato.
A stiff pr*ck is always respected.

‘A vita è n’affacciata ‘e fenesta.
Life is short, like a glance out the window.

Dicette ‘a morte: - Se ‘n Catania vaie, ‘n Catania vengo.
Death said – If you’re going to Catania, I’ll come to Catania.

Casa accunciata, morte apparicchiata.
An orderly house is a mortuary waiting to happen.

Chi ‘int’ ‘a chiesa s’ammacca ‘o pietto ‘e ponie, è fauzo e demonio.
He who beats his breast in church is false and is a demon.

Chi nun rispetta ‘o Criatore, nun pô rispettà ‘a criatura.
He who has no respect for the Creator has no respect for His creatures.

Dicette Dio ‘nfaccia a Dio: - Lasammo fa’ a Dio.
Even God sometimes turns to God and says – Bah, leave it to God.

‘O Pateterno primm’ ‘e fa e po l’accocchia.
God in Heaven makes ‘em, then copies ‘em.

Si ‘a fatica fosse bona, ‘a farriano ‘e prievete.
If work was fun, priests would do some too.

Auciello ‘ncaiola, o canta p’arraggia o canta p’ammore.
The bird in the cage sings either out of rage or out of love.

Che ce ave a fa’ ‘a gatta, si ‘a patrona è pazza?
Why blame the cat if her mistress is a nutbag?

Quann’ a furmicula mette ‘e scelle, è segno ca vô murì.
When the ant grows wings, it’s a sign he wants to die.

Quann’ ‘o perucchio saglie ‘ngloria perde ‘a scienza e ‘a memoria.
When the louse ascends in glory it loses all trace of science and memory.

‘O pirchio pare c’ ‘o culo arroba ‘a cammisa.
The miser fears his own arse will rob him of his shirt.

Si ‘o prestito fosse buono, se ‘mprestarria ‘a mugliera.
If loans were a good thing, you’d loan out your wife.

Meglio ‘o pazzo â casa soia ca ‘o savio â casa ‘e l’ate.
Better to play crazy in your own home than play the wise man in someone else’s.

‘E galere so’ chiene ‘e gente ca tene ragione.
Prisons are full of people who are in the right.

‘A casa cu doie porte ‘o diavulo s’ ‘a porta.
A house with two entries is at risk of the devil.

‘A spieca è fatta ‘o ‘ gnurante.
Explanations are for the ignorant.

Chi mette ‘a pezza a culore è ‘o vero duttore.
He who can rescue a situation is a true maestro.

‘A femmena bella nasce matertata.
Beautiful women are born married.

(Trans. C.S.)

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